
NCOA Softball: Important News & Information 

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If you have game assignment questions, contact the assigner Bruce Robbins at (916) 606-9881... NO TEXTS!



If you have any training questions, please contact Neil Hillel at ncoaump16@gmail.com or (916) 221-8404.


NFHS Non-Compliant Softball Bats


Here’s another non-compliant bat… as of April 17th, 2023…

USA Softball, the national governing body utilized by NFHS Softball to certify bats, has informed the NFHS that the Suncoast Model SBFPB-10 bat has been placed on the Non-Approved Bat List with Certification Marks. This bat is not compliant for use under NFHS softball rules, effective immediately.





Received this information from NFHS March 22, 2023:


USA Softball, the certification body used by NFHS Softball to approve bats, has informed us that a bat has been placed into the market that bears the USA Certification mark, but has not completed the certification process. The manufacturer is Data Driven Athletics, and the bat model is PI 3.14159. Photos of the bat are shown below for reference.  


Until bats are certified by USA Softball, they are not compliant for use under NFHS softball rules. 


I know some will say that we don’t check equipment and that’s true. However, in this case during the pregame walk around the field, if you see the bat, let the coach know that it’s non-compliant. Better to be taken care of before the game than have it come into the batter’s box.






2023 Rule Differences USA Softball/NCAA/NFHS

This is a 43 page document stating the rule differences between 3 softball organizations...



2023 NFHS Softball Certification Exam

Most Missed Questions

Behind this link are the top 5 missed questions from the 2023 softball certification exam…


Play of the Week #7

 With two outs and R1 on first base, B4 hits a deep fly ball that lands untouched. 

 R1 advances to home and B4 ends up at third base. However, both runners missed second base on their way to third base. 

 F6 calls for the ball and steps on second base to appeal the runner missing second base. The base umpire asks which runner they are appealing and F6 states the runner from first base. 


What’s your call?


The actions of F6 would imply that she is asking for an appeal. Since there were two violations (R1 and B4) the umpire would need to clarify which runner the defense is appealing. It would be proper for the base umpire to ask her who she is appealing and she would then need to tell the base umpire whether it was R1or B4 that missed 2nd base. 

The umpire would rule R1 out on the appeal, the inning is over and no runs score.

(2-1-1, 2-1-2a, 2-1-3a, 8-6-6, 9-1-1 EXCEPTION c)

 As a side, if R1 had touched 2nd base and B4 missed the base and F6 appealed R1 missing the base, she could then appeal B4 missing the base. In this case the run would count and the inning would be over.




Plays of the Week (Previous)

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8



Study Session Weekly Questions

If you registered late and need addityional training hours, complete the 5 session questions below and submit tio Neil Hilllel at ncoaump16@gmail.com.

Week 5 - 2/20-2/23 - click here

Week 4 - 2/13-2/16 - click here

Week 3 - 2/6-2/9 - click here

Week 2 - 1/30-2/2 - click here

Week 1 - 1/23-1/26 - click here

 2023 Study Session Locations



See the 2023-24 CIF SJS League Alignment chart!  Click here for this document.  This information will assist you in pregame preparations if you are unaware of the league dynamics.


** Be sure to log into Muller Sports Services (MSS) (110796) on Arbiter and click the “Ready To Be Assigned” box.  If you fail to do this, you will not get game assignments!



Training Information


Concussion In Sports Course information (Mandatory)

You will have to register (or sign in) to NFHS Learn to complete this requirement.  Click on “order course” and away you go.

Send a copy of your completion certificate to ncoaump16@gmail.com or text it to (916) 221-8404 to receive training credit.


2023 Training Options

2023 Meeting/Training Schedule

2023 Webinars 

2023 NFHS Softball Rule Changes

2023 NFHS Softball Points of Emphasis

NCOA Softball Umpire Guide

PreGame and PostGame Guidelines

     Umpire pregame checklist


DP/FLEX Strategies for Coaches




2023 “Balls and Strikes: It’s Your Call” Newsletter


     Volume 1, Issue 1 January 17, 2023




This hat was introduced back in the 2019 season. Hats can be purchased with D1 Sports Apparel. You can go online and start ordering now at www.d1sportsapparel.com. Make sure you identify the NCOA North association logo when ordering. 


Non-approved bat list from USA Softball

NCOA Softball Policies and Procedures

NCOA Code of Conduct

Muller Sports Service Policies and Guidelines


CIF Sac-Joaquin (SJS) Section Information


Incident Report & Reporting Procedures

There is a new CIF-SJS Incident Report that needs to be completed by the reporting official for player disqualifications or other types of incidents occurring during contests


If you have a disqualification, ejection, or other unusual incident, please call 

Bruce Robbins (916) 606-9881 immediately after the contest …


By 8:00am the following day, complete the CIF/SJS Misconduct Report. 

Please follow the instructions below for the report …


CIF/SJS Report Misconduct Link (click here)

Click above link. Select "Softball" and insert the password - "123"


For Disqualifications - Select the "Ejection Misconduct" button


For "other" Incidents - Select "Incident" button

Fill out the form completely and select "Submit" to send it electronically.


CIF SJS Softball Constitutional Article 27