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Summer Basketball Clinic Registration (CLICK HERE)
New Member Basics:
Physical Demands
Expect great physical demands. As the players’ ages increase and the competitive levels increase, the physical demands will rise. You will be required to run short distances many times. You will be constantly moving and on your feet.
Initial Training:
Expect lectures, demonstration and exercises on the basic rules at local association meetings.
Equipment Needs:
The uniform shall be clean and well kept. State association patches or emblems shall be worn as specified. The official uniform consists of the following:
Belt: If worn, it shall be black
Jacket: Navy blue or black, all crew the same, if worn. Recommended for wear prior to game,
Shirt: Standard black/white vertically striped:
Short Sleeves – approximately 8 inches in length; with black cuffs
”V” neck shirt shall be worn and an undershirt should not be visible – either black and white striped or grey with black pinstripes
Worn inside pants
Entire crew shall wear same design and style
Shoes: Entirely black with black laces
Socks: Entirely black
Pants: Entirely black, with no flares
Whistle: Black lanyard – recommend black plastic; if metal, it shall have a rubber cap – carry a spare
Game fees:
Click here for a listing of Games Fees