What are the requirements to become an NCOA Official?
I'm really interested in officiating. How do I get started?
How do I find a local officials association in my area?
Can I be a member of more than one local officials association in the same sport?
How much does it cost to register with NCOA?
When can I register?
Does the local officials association charge a fee?
How much will I make as a registered NCOA Official?
What materials / supplies will I get from the NCOA after I register?
How do I get game assignments?
What are the start-up costs as a new official?
I've registered to officiate, but my plans have changed. May I have a refund of my registration fee?
I currently live out-of-state and travel to California during the season. Am I still responsible for meeting the requirements of online exam and rules presentation?
I have additional questions. What do I do?